Shopping outlet Paris: how to combine visit and shop in Paris?

Our advices for an Parisian optimized experience

Visit Paris and keep time for a shopping outlet Paris experience

  Our advices for an Parisian optimized experience

The City of Lights, known throughout the world, offers a unique catalog of monuments, museums, neighborhoods and iconic atmospheres. In a hurry or contemplative, you will have the opportunity to capture a part of the soul of Paris, in a weekend or a week. But Paris is also one of the world capitals of Fashion. We advise you to combine a shopping outlet Paris session with a unique tourist and cultural experience.

With so much to see in Paris, it’s hard to make a list that goes to the basics while having a realistic experience of everything “Paname” has to offer. By speaking mainly to those who do not know Paris, we have selected Paris “crème de la crème” with some known places, others off the beaten path, to help you plan a long weekend or a stay of a few days in the City of Lights. Here is the list of 9 main monuments or places to visit in Paris, to grasp its very meaning. Visits to associate with a shopping outlet Paris session at One Nation Paris Outlet.

9 monuments or main places of the real Paris

The most recognized symbol of Paris is the Eiffel Tower, but some travelers prefer to visit the Louvre, much more interesting. It is the best art museum in the world but also the most visited and the largest, where you could see works and pieces from almost every civilization in the world. The three most popular works here are The Mona Lisa, the Venus of Milo, and the Victory of Samothrace. Beyond these must-haves, the best thing to do is to know where you are going, and what you want to see first. But do not be afraid to get lost, because you could come across something memorable!

Standing above Place Jean-Paul-II (forecourt) on the Ile de la Cité, Notre-Dame Cathedral is the symbolic heart of Paris and, for many, that one of France. Napoleon was crowned here, and many kings and queens exchanged their wedding vows in front of his altar. The interior of the Gothic cathedral is to see (free tour), but the exterior is also beautiful with beautiful architectural details and the unforgettable view of Paris, between a few gargoyles, from the top of the south tower. Started in 1163, and completed in 1345, seriously damaged during the Revolution, and restored by the architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century, Notre-Dame is not the oldest or largest cathedral in France, but in terms of beauty and architectural harmony, few are comparable.

The Eiffel Tower is in Paris what the Statue of Liberty is in New York and what Big Ben is in London: the ultimate emblem. The French engineer Gustave Eiffel, already famous for the construction of viaducts and bridges, worked for two years to erect this emblematic monument of the 1889 World Fair. It also salutes the centenary of the French Revolution. Today, it is certainly the night she is the most beautiful, when it is highlighted in a sparkling show. The latter was only to be used in the year 2000, but it was so popular that the 20,000 bulbs were reinstalled for permanent use in 2003. Thanks to the shuttle bus that takes you from front to One Nation Paris, you can even add a bit of Château de Versailles to your visit and shopping outlet Paris experience in France.

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Discover Paris !


More than just old shopping centers, The Covered Passages around the Grand Boulevards are galleries with a particular atmosphere dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. Covered by a charming glass roof, their second-hand bookstores, tea rooms and gift shops make them fun alternatives to Parisian shopping galleries. The Galerie Vivienne and the Jouffroy Passage, which hosts the Musée Grévin, are listed. Great place also to spot fashion outfits before going shopping outlet Paris in One Nation Paris to get discounted prices.

It’s hard not to believe that you are going up to heaven when you visit the “Basilique du Sacré Coeur”, this white castle perched at the top of Montmartre. The French government ordered it in 1873, after the devastating years of the Paris Commune and the Franco-Prussian War. Architect Paul Abadie built the Sacred Heart, using Romanesque and Byzantine elements for its design. A mixture that many critics have called “gaudy”, in reference to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The construction lasted until the First World War, and the basilica was finally consecrated in 1919. Iconic movie “Amélie Poulain” made it both special and worldwide known.

Then, stretch your legs and climb the 284 steps to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. Up there, you will have a view of the Champs-Elysées, and the arch of La Défense. It is also a privileged place to observe the driving techniques of the Parisians: the roundabout of the Place de l’Etoile is at times anarchic. Indeed, when there is an accident here, the fault is automatically shared at 50/50 on the report. Back at the bottom of the arc, have a thought for the unknown soldier whose grave is under the Parisian monument. Lately broadcasted live in 2018, with dramatic strikes here in Paris, with “yellow jackets” putting the place upside down. Now that serenity came back in the area, you can combine your visit and shopping outlet Paris experience.

Special places for special atmosphere

Père Lachaise is the cemetery of celebrities: there are buried almost all talented French and dead that can be mentioned. And even those not French. Religious belief and nationality never prevented one from being buried there: it was simply necessary that the person had lived or that she died in Paris or have a space allocated in a family grave. From Balzac to Chopin via Oscar Wilde (the tomb worn by kisses of admirers), the hunt for talent is endless.

Sheltered since 1986 under the roof of one of the most beautiful railway stations of Paris, the recently renovated galleries of the Musée d’Orsay contain the largest collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world: Cézanne, Monet, Renoir, Manet, Van Gogh, Degas, Gaugin, and many others are exposed to it. In addition to the works of the Grand Masters, you will find a collection of decorative art from the Art Nouveau era and a range of 19th century sculptures. Go relax at the cafe behind the museum’s giant transparent clock.

Seine river is for some the most romantic side of Paris, and if you visit Paris in couple, a cruise in Bateau-Mouche will be good. Its curves punctuated with bridges are lined with some of the most beautiful monuments in the world, and its quays of greenery offer him all the panoply to be on the postcards. This is by far the best way to see a maximum of monuments in an hour or two, if possible from a terrace of a Bateau-Mouche. Yes, they are touristic, but it is sometimes worthwhile to set his headphones and merge into the mass of tourists, to enjoy a good time in the heart of Paris.

With a minimum of preparation, on a short or long stay, you will thus have the opportunity to see and live the essence of Paris. With a unique Paris shopping experience, optimized, you will bring home a little Paris for the year.


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